Atec Anritsu-MG3670 Series User Manual

Page 3

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For product ordering information, see pages 4-7.

Pattern edit display

MG0310A has various TIA/EIA/IS-95 frame formats and encoder
functions built-in for each channel type. For example, frame format
of signalling, communication, and Multiplex Option 1 are provided to
support Rate Set 1 (1200 ... 9600 bps) and Rate Set 2 (1800 ...
14400 bps) for the Traffic Channel. In combination with the Burst
Randomizer function, this allows system support at all rates, even for
reverse links. For internal data you can select either a PN7, 9, or 15
pseudo-random pattern, or a user settable 16-bit data repeating pat-
tern, all fully editable. Operation can be from internal RAM user-de-
finable sequence data or from external serial data.

Pattern setting display

W-CDMA (only for MG3672A)
MG0314A conforms to physical channel frame formats such as
Perch 1, Perch 2, DTCH, and Control, all of which correspond to the
specifications for W-CDMA system experimentation. Perch 1 en-
ables user setting of the pilot symbol for synchronization, level, and
short code for long code masked symbol. DTCH enables setting of
the TPC Symbol at an interval of 16 time slots for each channel,
demonstrating its ability to handle many different situations and per-
mitting greater user selection. Moreover, since the unit incorporates
the coding function for the frame formats of BCCH, FACH-L, DTCH,
and ACCH logical channels, CRC, convolution, and interleave con-
forming to these channels, it can be used for decoding evaluation,
etc. Other functions include the pilot symbol edit function, as well as
DTCH and ACCH transmission-off function.

Slot rise time waveform

Functions and performances with expansion unit

Frame structure and data

The MG0303B incorporates TDMA frames for various kinds of com-
munication systems, as well as modulation patterns for each time
slot. Modulation patterns for device evaluation and for up/down
communication channels are provided and are output at the timing
required by the system. Hence the MG3670B/C, MG3671A/B, and
MG3672A can generate the burst signals needed to measure various
digital communication systems.

Time slots specified for different communication systems can be

selected freely. There is considerable freedom in choosing the mod-
ulation pattern within slots; either a PN9 or PN15 TCH segment can
be chosen, and part of the data outside the TCH segment can be edited.
The pattern memory function can be used to store and recall patterns.

A data scrambling function is provided as standard, and any initial

code can be set permitting more sophisticated evaluations and diag-
nostics using the MG3670B/C, MG3671A/B and MG3672A as a sup-
posed base station and mobile equipment.

The internal modulation pattern can also be driven by an external

clock, so margin tests can be conducted by varying the clock pulse.

Pattern setting display

Excellent leakage power characteristics during carrier-off

The rising and falling edges of burst signals have a gentle waveform
with a duration equivalent to two symbols, and the leakage power
during carrier-off characteristics are excellent.