Continued) – Atec Agilent-54855A User Manual
Page 12

Infiniium 54850 Series Performance Characteristics
Trigger (continued)
Trigger modes
Triggers on a specified slope and voltage level on any channel or auxiliary trigger.
Triggers on glitches narrower than the other pulses in your waveform by specifying
a width less than your narrowest pulse and a polarity. Triggers on glitches as narrow
as 500 ps. Glitch range settings: < 1.5 ns to < 160 ms.
Triggers on the line voltage powering the oscilloscope.
Triggers when a specified logical combination of the channels is entered, exited,
present for a specified period of time or is within a specified time range. Each
channel can have a value of High (H), Low (L) or Don’t care (X). Triggers on patterns
as narrow as 500 ps.
Pattern trigger clocked by the rising or falling edge of one channel.
Logic type: AND or NAND.
Delay by time
The trigger is qualified by an edge. After a specified time delay between 30 ns to
160 ms, a rising or falling edge on any one selected input will generate the trigger.
Delay by events
The trigger is qualified by an edge. After a specified delay between 1 to 16,000,000
rising or falling edges, another rising or falling edge on any one selected input will
generate the trigger.
Violation triggers
Pulse width
Trigger on a pulse that is wider or narrower than the other pulses in your waveform
by specifying a pulse width and a polarity. Triggers on pulse widths as narrow as
500 ps. Pulse width range settings: 1.5 ns to 160 ms.
Triggers on setup, hold or setup and hold violations in your circuit. Requires a clock
and data signal on any two input channels as trigger sources. High and low
thresholds and setup and/or hold time must then be specified.
Trigger on pulse rising or falling edges that do not cross two voltage levels
in > or < the amount of time specified.
Measurements and math
Waveform measurements
Peak to peak, minimum, maximum, average, RMS, amplitude, base, top, overshoot,
preshoot, upper, middle, lower, area.
Period, frequency, positive width, negative width, duty cycle, delta time, rise time,
fall time, Tmin, Tmax, channel-to-channel phase.
Frequency domain
FFT frequency, FFT magnitude, FFT delta frequency, FFT delta magnitude, FFT phase.
Displays the mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum and number of
measurements value for the displayed automatic measurements.
Vertical (for timing and jitter measurements) or horizontal (noise and amplitude
change) modes, regions are defined using waveform markers. Measurements
included: mean, standard deviation, peak-to-peak value, median, min, max, total hits,
peak (area of most hits), and mean ± 1, 2, and 3 sigma.
Eye-diagram measurements
Eye-diagram measurements include eye height, eye width, eye jitter, crossing
percentage, Q factor, and duty-cycle distortion.
Jitter measurements
Cycle-cycle jitter, N-cycle jitter, cycle-cycle + width, cycle-cycle – width,
(E2681A software package)
cycle-cycle duty cycle, data rate, unit interval, time interval error data,
time interval error clock, setup time, hold time, phase, period, frequency, + width,
– width, duty cycle, rise time, fall time.