2 general, 1 brief description of the mig2000-6 system, 1 serial injection – Atec EMCP-MIG2000-6 User Manual

Page 2: 2 parallel injection, 3 impulse synchronization, General, Brief description of the mig2000-6 system, Serial injection, Parallel injection, Impulse synchronization

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2 General

2.1 Brief description of the MIG2000-6 system

MIG2000-6 is a versatile, flexible system which uses modules to provide a wide variety of impulse
types for many applications.
The principle application is MIL-STD-461F, CS106, CS115 and CS116 testing. Apart from the
MIG2000-6 mainframe, this requires:

• Plug-in module CS115
• Plug-in module CS116 10K10M
• Plug-in module CS116 30M100M
• Plug-in module CS106
• Injection coupler CN-MIG-BT for the frequency range 10 kHz up to 10 MHz
• Injection coupler CN-MIG-BT2 for the frequency range 10 MHz up to 100 MHz
• Calibration set-up VERI-MIL2 in accordance with MIL-STD-461E

In addition to MIL-STD-461F, modules are available for applications as below:

• NATO-SLOW-10u, 2/10us
• NATO-FAST-150n,


• Fx-DO-160-S17,


• Fx-DO-160-S19, 250kHz burst
• Fx-MIL1275, Ringwave
• Fx-AMD24C, 2/10us + 2/50us + 2/100us + 2/200us + 2/400us

Customised frequency plug-in modules (e.g. platform resonances) can be ordered separately

2.1.1 Serial Injection

Serial injection is used to superimpose impulses onto an equipment cabling. These tests are
applicable to all waveform types. Together with the MIG generator, coupling transformers such as the
CN-MIG-BT and CN-MIG-BT2 make a complete system to couple pulses into the Equipment Under
Test (EUT).
Because coupling transformers are used for serial injection tests, external verification equipment is
required to ensure that waveforms and amplitudes are correct at the point of injection.

2.1.2 Parallel injection

Parallel injection is an alternative method to serial injection which requires direct connection of the
impulse generator to equipment housing or cables. Because the generator could be connected to AC
or DC power lines, the generator impulse circuits must be protected against current flowing from the

2.1.3 Impulse Synchronization

For all impulses applied on power lines, synchronization at 90° the power frequency must be
achieved. MIG2000-6 uses an external SYNC adapter to provide synchronization up to 400Hz.

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