High power optical head specifications – Atec Agilent-81624B User Manual

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High power optical head specifications

All optical heads have to be operated with the single (Agilent 81618A) or dual (Agilent 81619A) Interface Modules

Agilent 81628B

with integrating sphere

Sensor element


Wavelength range

800 nm to 1700 nm

Power range

–60 dBm to +40 dBm (800 nm to 1700 nm)

For operation higher than 34 dBm see safety note

Damage power

40.5 dBm

Applicable fiber type

Open beam

Single mode NA ≤ 0.2, Multimode NA ≤ 0.4

Ø ≤ 3 mm center of sphere

Uncertainty (accuracy) at reference conditions

1, 8

±3.0% (970 nm to 1630 nm)

Total uncertainty

2, 8

≤ 10 dBm

> 10 dBm to ≤ 20 dBm

> 20 dBm to ≤ 38 dBm

(970 nm to 1630 nm)

±4.0% ±5 nW



Relative uncertainty:

- due to polarization


- due to speckle noise at source linewidth:


0.1 pm to 100 pm

> 100 pm

Typ. ≤ ±0.006 dB

Typ. ≤ ±0.02 dB

Typ. ≤ ±0.02 dB

Typ. ≤ ±0.002 dB

Linearity (power):

5, 8

≤ 10 dBm

> 10 dBm to ≤ 20 dBm

> 20 dBm to ≤ 37 dBm

> 37 dBm to ≤ 38 dBm

(CW –40 dBm to +38 dBm),

(970 nm to 1630 nm)

≤ ±0.03 dB

≤ ±0.06 dB

≤ ±0.09 dB

≤ ±0.10 dB

at 23 °C ±5 °C, for operating temperature

range add ±0.03 dB

Return loss

Typ. > 75 dB

Noise (peak to peak)


< 5 nW

Averaging time (minimal)

100 μs

Analog output


Dimensions (H x W x D)

55 mm x 80 mm x 250 mm


0.9 kg (without heat sink)

Recommended recalibration period

2 years

Operating temperature


0 °C to +40 °C



Warm-up time

40 min

1. Reference Conditions:

• Power level 10 μW (-20 dBm),

continuous wave (CW)

• Averaging time 1 s
• Parallel beam, 3 mm, center of sphere input
• Ambient temperature 23 °C ±5 °C
• On day of calibration (add ±0.3% for aging

over one year, add ±0.6% over two years)

• Spectral width of source < 10 nm (FWHM)
• Wavelength setting at power sensor must

correspond to source wavelength ±0.4 nm

• Humidity 50% ±10%

2. Operating Conditions:

• Parallel beam, Ø3 mm, center of sphere

input, or connectorized fiber with NA ≤ 0.2

(straight connector)

• For NA > 0.2: add 1%
• Within one year after calibration,

add ±0.3% for second year

• Operating temperature range as specified,

humidity < 80% and non-condensing

• Zeroing required

3. All states of polarization at constant

wavelength (1550 nm ±30 nm) and

constant power

4. Conditions:

• Wavelength 1550 nm ±30 nm, fixed

state of polarization, constant power

• Temperature 23 °C ±5 °C
• Measurement time ≤ 3 min

5. Does not include noise; zeroing required
6. Averaging time 1 s, T = 23 °C ±5 °C, ΔT ±1 °C,

observation time 300 s, wavelength range

970 nm to 1630 nm, Thermal drift at 38 dBm,

exposure time 30 min:
Recovery time 10 min: ≤ 30 nW

30 min: ≤ 10 nW
7. For optical power > 30 dBm the maximal

operating temperature is limited to 35 °C
8. Wavelength must not be equal to any

water absorption line

Safety Note:
For optical power higher than

34 dBm the attached heat sink

MUST be used!
For continuous optical power or

average optical power higher than

38 dBm the connector adapters will

get warmer than permitted according

to the safety standard IEC 61010-1.
The 81628B Optical Head can handle

optical power up to 40 dBm, however,

operation above 38 dBm is at the

operators own risk.
Agilent Technologies Deutschland

GmbH will not be liable for any

damages caused by an operation

above 38 dBm.