Main display, Menu layout, Alpha/numeric entry – YSI ProODO User Manual

Page 8: Main display menu layout alpha/numeric entry

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MaIn dIsplay

Press and hold the Power key for two seconds to turn the instrument

on. The instrument will briefly display two splash screens then go directly

to the main run mode screen. The first time the instrument is powered

up, you will need to set the date and time. Follow the instructions under

the Setup | System | Date/Time section of this manual.

The display at the left shows the run mode

(main display) with temperature in °C,

barometric pressure in mmHg, DO in % and

mg/L as the reported parameters. The date,

time and battery level are indicated at the

bottom of the screen. The logging preference

of Log One Sample at a time is indicated at

the top of the screen.

This screen also shows the message line

towards the bottom of the display above the

date and time. In this case, it doesn’t show

a message. However, messages will appear

frequently to indicate successful calibrations,

saved configuration changes, etc.

A USB symbol

will show up on

the bottom of the display when connected

through USB with the communications saddle. The instrument will display full

battery power when it is receiving power through the USB connection.

Contrast – the contrast adjustment can be accomplished

by repeatedly pressing the backlight key and the

left or right arrow key at the same time.

Menu layout

Press Esc

at anytime in the menus to escape back to the Run screen. The

left arrow

can be used to go back to the previous menu in all screens

except alpha/numeric entry screens. You must use Esc to get out of the alpha/

numeric screens if you want to exit before finishing or without saving changes.

Functions that are enabled appear as a circle with a dot . Disabled functions
appear as a circle only . In addition, some options appear as an empty box


or a box with a check mark




alpha/nuMerIc entry

The numeric screens will display numbers only (shown above, left). Alpha/

numeric screens will display numbers across the top and letters along the

bottom rows (shown above, right). Letters appear as a common keyboard


When an alpha or numeric character is required, the display will show the alpha/

numeric entry screen. To select a character, highlight it by using the arrows to

move the highlight box over the desired selection. Then, press Enter on the

keypad to confirm the selection. After confirming the selection, it will appear

in the line at the top of the display.

For capital letters or lower case entry, highlight “SHIFT” and press Enter on the

keypad to change the characters from upper to lower case.

To delete the entire line of the current entry, highlight


and press Enter on the

keypad. The


symbol functions as a backspace key in the alpha/numeric entry

screens by deleting one character at a time. Use the “SPACE” function to add a

space between characters.

When you have finished entering the correct information (16 character max),

highlight <<>> at the bottom of the screen and press Enter on the

keypad to confirm.

The key cannot be used to escape to the previous menu from

an alpha/numeric entry screen. Instead, use the key to go

back to the previous menu when in alpha/numeric entry screens.
