Restore default calibration values, Accessories / part numbers – YSI ProODO User Manual
Page 23

connection issue between the cable and instrument. The following are some of
the potential messages:
Description and Recommended Action
Probe Temp over range
Temperature is over
100° C or reading
erroneously. Check cable connection and
ensure Temp sensor is clean.
Probe Temp under range
Temperature is under
-10° C or reading
erroneously. Check cable connection and
ensure Temp sensor is clean.
DO over range
DO% saturation is over 550%. Check sensor
cap and recalibrate.
DO under range
DO% saturation is under -5%. Check sensor
cap and recalibrate.
Barometer over range
Barometric pressure is reading over 988
mmHg. Calibrate barometer.
Barometer under range
Barometric pressure is reading under 375
mmHg. Calibrate barometer.
ODO Communications
No communication between the instrument
and cable. Check cable connection.
Clock Battery Low
Internal battery for real time clock has low
voltage. Contact Technical Support.
Measurements Locked!
Measurements are held in Manual Sampling
mode. Select Update Measurements or Log
Held Data.
Illegal Value may appear during alpha/numeric entry on the message line. This
only appears if the values entered do not match the formatting. This will also
appear in the GLP security area if the password is incorrect.
restore default calIBratIon Values
Occasionally, the instrument may need to have the factory calibration default
values restored. In order to accomplish this press Calibrate
, highlight
Restore Default Cal and press enter. Select the parameter you wish to restore,
either DO or Barometer, and press enter. After selecting barometer or DO, you
will be asked to confirm the operation. Highlight Yes and press enter.
A C C E S S O R I E S / PA R T N U M B E R S
Part Number
ProODO Instrument
626250-1, -4, -10, -20, -30,
-40, -50, -60, or -100
1, 4, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, or
100-meter probe/cable assembly*
Replacement Sensor Cap
Communications saddle kit
Data Manager desktop software
Carrying case, soft-sided
603076 and 603078
Extended length flow cell and single port
adapter. Both items are required for use with
a ProODO