Site list folder delete data, Data manager desktop software – YSI Professional Plus User Manual
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time qualifier you would like to set, press enter,
and use the numeric entry screen to select the
date/time you wish to view.
After making your selections in the Data Filter,
highlight Show Data and press enter. the data
will have date and time stamps. You will likely
have to scroll up and down and side to side using
the arrow keys to completely view the data file.
No more than 100 data records can be viewed
at one time.
sIte lIst
to modify the Site List, press File
, highlight
Site List, and press enter. Enter new site names
or edit existing sites with the alpha/numeric
entry screen. Site lists can also be created and
edited on your PC with Data Manager and then
downloaded to the instrument.
to modify the Folder List, press File
, highlight Folder List, and press enter.
Enter new Folder names or edit existing folders with the alpha/numeric entry
delete data
Press File
, highlight Delete Data, and press enter. Enter the criteria for the
data you wish to delete in the Delete Data Filter, then highlight Delete Data and
press enter.
D A t A M A N A G E R
D E S K t o P S o F t WA R E
Data Manager is provided with the purchase of a Pro Plus Instrument. Data
Manager is a powerful Windows® based software that will allow you to easily
manage logged data, set up instruments, and conduct real time studies.
Minimum PC system requirements for Data Manager are Windows® 2000 with
SP4 (minimum) or Windows® XP with SP2 (minimum) operating System, 300
MHz or higher Pentium®-compatible CPU, 128 MB of RAM or higher, 80 MB or
more of free hard-disk space, USB 2.0, and Microsoft® .NEt.
Data Manager needs to be installed on a PC before use and before you try to
connect a Pro Plus to your PC. First install Data Manger, then connect the
communications saddle to the PC and, lastly, connect the saddle to your Pro
Plus. Data Manager will identify the connected instruments by their Unit
ID.Refer to the Data Manager Readme file for detailed installation instructions.
Data Manager will then recognize the attached instruments.
From the ‘home’ screen of Data Manager, see below, you can select one of the
following functions: Retrieve Instrument Data, Real time Instrument Data,
Instrument Configuration, or View Saved File/Data.