YSI NiCaVis 705 IQ User Manual
Page 34

Measuring / Operation
NiCaVis 705 IQ
4 - 10
Preparing the sensor
check or
Zero adjustment
Prepare the sensor check or
Zero adjustment
as follows:
Fig. 4-4 Maintenance condition
By activating the maintenance condition, linked outputs remain in their
present state. The cleaning and the determination of measured values
are switched off. The measured value display shows a flashing, invalid
measured value ("----").
Switch to the measured value display with
Use <> to select the UV-VIS sensor.
Call up calibration with
Maintenance condition:
Linked outputs are frozen.
window appears.
Confirm the maintenance condition with
Take the sensor out of the test sample.
Remove the blind plug or unscrew the compressed air connec-
tion from the sensor.
Thoroughly clean the sensor enclosure, sensor sleeve and the
compressed air channels (see section 5.1 M
To finish the cleaning procedure, thoroughly rinse the entire
sensor with ultrapure water.
Mount the cleaned sensor sleeve:
Loosen both coupling rings on the sensor sleeve.
Put the sensor sleeve on the sensor and align it:
– The measuring gap is in the center of the sensor sleeve
– The filling opening of the sensor sleeve and the measur-
ing gap opening of the sensor are offset by 90°.
Tighten both coupling rings on the sensor sleeve by hand.