Xylem 19 001 300 R2 Silent Storm VFD Pumping System OMRON Touch Screen Display Manual User Manual

Page 51

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© 2013 Flowtronex

How Do I?









Lockout Registers page 4 screen defines whether well pump(s) can be used within normal and lockout
modes of operation. A well pump can be a transfer out (or de-watering) pump, or a transfer in (lake fill)
pump. Please refer to the

Lake fill section

of this manual to learn how to define the operating

parameters for the well (lake fill) pump(s).


· B64:0 defines the Well Pumps allowed under Normal operation.


· B64:1 defines the Well Pumps allowed under Lockout 1 operation.


· B64:2 defines the Well Pumps allowed under Lockout 2 operation.


The other function this screen serves is to allow you to restrict the maximum VFD speed during the
lockout period. The default value should be 100%. This function is rarely used but could come in handy
when electrical usage is restricted. You could set this value to something like 60 - 80 % and limit your

current draw that way.


· N20:11 defines the Maximum VFD Speed allowed under Lockout 1 operation as a percent.


· N20:12 defines the Maximum VFD Speed allowed under Lockout 2 operation as a percent.


· Tap the value field next to any of these registers and the calculator/keypad pops-over the screen.

Enter or edit the value. (See also,





Caution should be exercised when using this option. If you set the Maximum speed
too low, the pump might not be able to attain the desired setpoint. Shutting down
on a low discharge fault is a distinct possibility. It is suggested that you manually

operate the drive at that speed to determine what pressure and flow it will sustain.



· Optionally, press the Main Menu touch key to return to the Main Menu. (See also,

Main Menu



· Optionally, press Back to return to the previous screen.


· Press the up arrow (▲) in the bottom right corner of the screen to open the previous screen,