Centripro, Residential water systems – Xylem BMAID R4 User Manual
Page 3

Residential Water Systems
motor StoraGE
Water lubricated 4" motors are filled with a non-toxic, Propylene Glycol and water solution to prevent damage
from freezing temperatures. We recommend storing 4” motors where temperatures are above 0º F. If stored
in colder temperatures (down to -40º F) the fill solution will become slushy, in this case the motor should be
allowed to sit in the well for several minutes before operating. If stored in an area where temperatures range
from freezing to over 100º F some fill solution may be expelled from the motor. If the leakage appears significant
we suggest installing (submerging) the motor for 10 minutes before starting to allow the check valve to do its job
and replace the lost fluid.
Six inch and larger motors are protected from freezing to -22º F (-30º C). Checking instructions are in the 6" and
Larger Pump IOM.
When removing a used motor from a well it must be protected from freezing as it may have taken on well water
and no longer have enough propylene glycol in solution to prevent freezing.
Coolant Leakage — during storage or shipment, it is common for some coolant/fluid to leak from the motors,
this should not be a concern. The filtered check valve will refill the motor upon submergence in a well. If leakage
appears extraordinary or you are concerned, please call the nearest factory customer service number found on
the back cover of this manual for checking instructions.
frEquENCy of StartS
A one (1) minute minimum run cycle for pumps and motors up to 1.5 HP and two (2) minutes for 2 HP and larger
motors is recommended. Six inch and larger motors should have a minimum of 15 minutes between starts or
starting attempts to allow cooling. Motor, pressure switch, tank and pump life may be extended by limiting starts
per hour and per day. Proper tank sizing is critical to control pump cycle times. Excessive or rapid cycling creates
heat which can prematurely damage motors, switches and controls.
motor Starting frequency
Starts / 24hr
Starts / 24hr
1/2 thru 3/4
1 thru 5
7.5 thru 30
40 and over
motor INStallatIoN poSItIoN
Best service life is obtained when motors are installed in a vertical position. Installing in a horizontal position is
allowable. It is best if the shaft end is at least 15º higher than the bottom of the motor. This places some weight
on the thrust bearing which helps to prevent thrust bearing coast down wear as the motor slows down. When
installed in horizontal installations we recommend keeping starts to a minimum and maintaining back pressure
(head) on the system. Even when installed vertically, operating pumps at Open Discharge with little or no Head
(to the far right of the pump curve) may create excessive upward thrust which may damage the motor’s upthrust
bearing and internal pump parts – in applications with high static water levels or little system head always use a
throttling valve in the discharge line to create back pressure (head) on the pump and bearing.
CoNtrol boX mouNtING
Single phase submersible control boxes feature NEMA 3R enclosures for indoor or outdoor mounting. They
should be mounted in a vertical position as relay manufacturers recommend correct relay positioning for proper,
trouble-free operation.
Control boxes should be shaded from direct sunlight in areas where temperatures exceed 90º F as excessive
heat may shorten capacitor life. It is advisable to paint the enclosure white if outside in very hot, sunny climates.