GE Industrial Solutions Power-Vac Metal Clad Switchgear; Addendums User Manual

GE Industrial Solutions Equipment

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Addendum #1 to GEK-39672G

Instructions for making bus connections across shipping split sections


PowerVac switchgear is shipped in splits of one, two, three or four stacks. When
connecting shipping splits together it may be required to make the connections across the
main bus or the tie bus. The main bus can be accessed from the front of the gear through
the breaker compartment and the tie bus can be accessed from the rear. Breakers and
rollouts should be removed from the switchgear before the bus connections can be made
across the shipping split.

This addendum supplements the instructions provided in the main body of the instruction
book in pages 28 to 32. Ground bus connections across shipping splits shall be made as
specified in page 35 of the instruction book.

WARNING : All primary and secondary circuit devices must be de-energized and the
primary circuit grounded before undertaking any work on the switchgear.

Main bus connections across the shipping split

Step – 1, Remove horizontal barrier

A horizontal barrier located between the front upper and lower compartments has to be
removed. This barrier is shown in Fig – A(1)-1.

If heaters are provided, the heater shown in Fig – A(1)-1 will have to be removed in order
to remove the horizontal barrier.

Do not remove the pan on which the breaker ground shoe is located. Item # 4 in Fig –
A(1)-1. In most cases the pan shown as item #4 will have a cover over it ( cover not
shown in Fig A(1)-1). It is not required to remove the cover.