GE Industrial Solutions EntelliGuard Messenger iButton Replacement Guide User Manual
Page 7

Step 3:
Reinstall the 30-pin plug with the new iButton
1. Ensure the PPE is appropriate for opening and removing a circuit breaker from the gear.
2. Open the door of the circuit breaker compartment below the Messenger.
3. Install the configuration plug at the right side of the Messenger by inserting the plug housing into
the socket until the side tabs click into place.
4. Check for proper installation by tugging gently on the plug housing.
5. Reconnect the configuration plug to its wire by replacing the screw.
6. Install the 30-pin plug into the corresponding socket at the right of the Messenger. The side tabs
should lock the plug into place and resist removal.
7. Check for proper installation by tugging gently on the 30-pin plug.
8. Check to ensure the Messenger power and communication indicators illuminate.
9. In compartments for circuit breakers with a network interlock device, install the 10A set and reset
fuses in the fuse holders at the upper right of the compartment.
10. In compartments for electrically operated circuit breakers, install the 20A charge motor, 15A close
coil, and 10A shunt trip fuses into the fuse holders at the upper left of the compartment.
11. Check the wire bundles at the sides of the Messenger. The wire bundles should not obstruct the
circuit breaker as it enters or exits the compartment. Any extra wire length may be gently pushed
into the openings in the compartment side sheets.
12. Close compartment door.
13. Verify the following by checking the HMI System Health and Breaker Status screens:
a. The Messenger is communicating.
b. The iButton is recognized.
c. The settings are correct for the replaced unit.
14. Verify that the circuit breaker is discharged and in the open position.
15. Rack the circuit breaker into the Test position. Verify that the circuit breaker position indicator and
the HMI indicate that the circuit breaker in question is in the Test position.
16. Charge the circuit breaker.
17. On the MAIN MENU, click One-Line.
18. Double-click the circuit breaker in question on the system One-Line to bring up the Breaker Status
19. Click Control.
a. If the circuit breaker is non-electric (indicating a manual charge) a dialog box with a TRIP
button will appear. Click TRIP and confirm by clicking OK. The circuit breaker should trip open.
Skip to step 23.
b. If the circuit breaker is an electric charge, a dialog box with two options will appear: TRIP and
OPEN. Click TRIP and confirm by clicking OK. Verify that the circuit breaker has tripped open on
the Breaker Status screen.
20. Click Control again, click CLOSE, and then confirm by clicking OK. Verify that the circuit breaker
has closed on the Breaker Status screen.
21. Click Control again, click OPEN, and then confirm by clicking OK. Verify that the circuit breaker is
open on the Breaker Status screen.