GE Industrial Solutions EntelliGuard G Coil Signaling Contacts User Manual
Entelliguard, G circuit breaker, Accessories

Coil Signaling Contacts:
Coil Signaling Contacts indicate the status of the
coil they are installed on. Coil Signaling Contacts
consists of two switches thus enables the status
of the coils thru trip unit and the secondary
disconnect. Status switch thru secondary
disconnect can be power rated or signal rated.
Status switch thru trip unit is a signal rated.
Table 1. Catalog Number and Ratings:
CSC, Power rated Contact:
Cat no
125Vdc 6A
AC Ratings
250Vdc 6A
DEH-41420 Installation Instructions
G Circuit Breaker
Coil Signaling Contacts
WARNING: Before installing any accessories, turn the
breaker OFF, disconnect it from all voltage sources,
and discharge the closing spings.
CSC, Signal rated Contact:
Cat no
AC Ratings 125Vac 0.1A
DC Ratings 30Vdc
Use the following procedure to install Release
Indication Contact accessory into the circuit
1. Verify that the rating on the Release Indication
Contact identification plate matches the voltage
rating required for the application, as listed in
Table 1.
2. Turn the breaker off and discharge the closing
springs by depressing the OFF and ON buttons in
the sequence OFF-ON-OFF. Verify that the
breaker OFF-ON indicator shows OFF on a green
background and that the charge indicator shows
DISCHARGE on a white background. If installing
in a draw-out type breaker remove breaker from
adaptor (cassette) before continuing.
AVERTISSEMENT: Avant d’installer tout accessoire,
mettre le disjoncteur en position OFF, le déconnecter
de toute tension d’alimentation , et décharger les
resorts d’armement
3. Loosen the 6 screws on front cover (fascia)
using a posidrive screw driver as shown in Fig 1.B