GE Industrial Solutions THAUXDT Auxiliary switch kit User Manual

Auxiliary switch kit, Ge consumer & industrial

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DEH44152 Installation Instructions

Auxiliary switch kit

Catalog number – THAUXDT



This bulletin provides instructions for

installing Auxiliary switch kit – THAUXDT

on all GE Double throw safety switch.

WARNING: Hazard of electrical shock or

burn. Turn off power before working

inside this equipment.


This neutral kit consists of the following


1. Two (2) Auxiliary switch assembly

2. Four (4) 6-32 X 1” mounting screws

Mounting Instruction

1. Remove nuts provided in auxiliary

switch assembly & dispose them. Refer

Fig 1.

2. Install Auxiliary switch assembly on

bracket attached to side wall using

mounting screws in the orientation

shown. Refer Fig 2.

Fig 1


General Electric Company

41 Woodford Ave., Plainville, CT. 06062

DEH44152 R01 08/07 © 2007 General Electric

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These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide

for every possible contingency to be met in connection with installation operation or

maintenance. Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise which

are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes, the matter should be referred to the GE


GE Consumer & Industrial

Fig 2 (Door not shown)

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