Chlorophyll detection in olive oils – Ocean Optics Overture User Manual
Page 46
Appendix A: Sample Experiments
6. In the Concentration Wizard, select “Calibrate from solutions of known concentration”.
7. In the Range selection, set the wavelength at λ
or average across the peak.
8. Enter at least three concentration values and scan for Absorbance in each case. On the third data point
the wizard will plot a regression line. Add more samples if you have them.
9. Clicking Finish will convert the spectrometer into a concentration meter that uses the calibration line
that you have made. Use the meter to measure unknown concentrations.
Other Beers Law Experiments:
Use food dyes and measure unknown concentrations in food products. For example, measure
Erythrosin B In Maraschino cherries.
Use water quality indicator reagents to measure concentrations of nitrates in water samples.
Chlorophyll detection in olive oils
Equipment Needed:
Ocean Optics CCD array spectrometer with lamp cuvette holder
Three grades of olive oil
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