Sample experiments, Appendix a, Beer’s law analysis of kmno – Ocean Optics Overture User Manual
Page 45
Appendix A
Sample Experiments
Beer’s law analysis of KMnO
Equipment Needed:
Ocean Optics CCD array spectrometer with lamp/cuvette holder
Equipment for making aqueous solutions of different concentrations of KMnO
To find the molar absorbance coefficient (ε) for potassium permanganate, potassium manganate
(VII), by plotting a calibration curve using the Beer Lambert Law.
Using the calibration to find the concentration of an unknown sample.
1. Set the spectrometer in A (Absorbance) mode.
2. Click on the concentration wizard icon before setting dark and reference readings. The wizard will
help you set the correct integration time.
3. From a stock solution of known concentration in Moles per liter, make up a range of dilutions of at
least three precisely known concentrations. Use solutions which have absorbance numbers between
0.5 and 2.5.
4. Measure these solutions in A mode. Potassium permanganate has a very high molar absorbance
coefficient (ε), so solutions have to be very dilute. As Absorbance numbers reach 3, Beers Law starts
to become less reliable.
5. Find λ
For potassium permanganate this should be about 534nm (you will see two peaks at 524
and 544nm).