3B Scientific 3B NETlog™ with Ethernet Port (230 V, 50__60 Hz) User Manual

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11.2 Software installation

Run the “Setup_3BNETdata.exe” installation
program and follow the instructions on the

11.3 Control elements

The control interface consists of three dialogs that
can be brought to the front by clicking the relevant
tab. The “Read Data” tab is used for transferring
measurement data from the 3B NETlog memory,
the “Device Set-up” tab is used for setting the
measurement parameters and mode of measure-
ment for the 3B NETlog™ device and the “Update
firmware” tab is for updating the firmware of
3B NETlog™, see description in chapter 10.

Read Data
Read: reads all data available in the memory

of the device and presents an overview of the
measurements in a list.

Abort: aborts the reading operation.
Status: displays the current status.
Time elapsed: shows the time that has

elapsed since the beginning of the read opera-

Time remaining: shows the approximate time

remaining for the read operation.

Options: the following settings can be made


Decimal separator: sets the decimal separator
which is used in exported files.

Date/Time format: specifies the time and date
format which is used in exported measure-
ment files.

List (left): shows the acquired data.
List (right): additional selection of columns

which can be added to the exported files.

Index: serial number, beginning with 1.
Absolute date/time: date and time when the

measurement/set of measurements was re-

Relative time [s]: elapsed time in seconds,

from the beginning of the measurement to the
recording of the current measurement/set of

Save selected data to files: converts the

measurements selected in the left-hand list
into text files (separated by tab characters). A
file name is requested for each measurement.
The preset file names include date, time,
measurement values and sampling rate and
can be adopted without any changes.

Quit exits the program.

Device Set-up
Vdc/Vac/(Idc/Iac): selects the measuring mode for

the aforementioned analog input (Vdc: DC volt-
age/Vac: AC voltage/Idc: DC current/Iac: AC current).

Range slider (200mV-20V/200mA-2A): selects

the measurement range for the above-
mentioned analog input.

Auto Range: if this control box is activated,

the measuring range is automatically adjusted
by the device during the measurement.

Store: determines whether data from the

aforementioned input should be stored.

Sampling rate slider: this sets the sampling

rate for the measurements. Frequency is dis-
played in the field f=, and the corresponding
cycle duration is displayed in the field T=.

Apply settings: writes the selected settings to

the device.

Clear memory: clears the entire memory of

the instrument.

Quit: exits the program.

11.4 Reading and saving measurement data

Reading and saving measured data with the
3B NETlog™ equipment:

Connect the 3B NETlog™ equipment to a com-
puter via USB cable.

• Start 3BNETdata and click on the tab “Read Data”.
• Press Read and wait till the progress bar

reaches 100%.

• Select the measurements you wish to be saved

from the list on the left.

• Select columns that are to be written next to

the data.

• Click Save selected data to files
• Enter a file name for each measurement, or

accept the default name.

• For further processing of the saved data, use

spreadsheet or data analysis programs.

12. Update Firmware

In the 3B

NETdata software, click “Update

firmware” tab.

Follow the instructions in the left-hand section
of the software window and click “Start” in the
options box.

The current version of the firmware will now be
installed automatically. As an alternative, use
“Browse” in the options’ box to search and install
older firmware versions.