3B Scientific Steam Engine G User Manual
Page 6

(Fig. 1, c). The steam flows out via the exhaust steam
and the exhaust steam pipe
. The condensed
water that accumulates drips out via the condensation
into the condensation beaker
When the piston has reached the dead point at the top,
both of the steam ducts are closed again. The flywheel
drags the engine past this top slack point, after which
steam is once again fed in and the procedure repeats
from the start (Fig. 1, d).
4. Operation
Open the boiler cap
and fill up the boiler with
distilled water (demineralised water conforming to
VDE 0510). Do not fill up the boiler to the brim, main-
tain an air column of approx. 5 mm. The steam en-
gine functions equally well even if the boiler is only
half-filled. Only the operating duration is correspond-
ingly reduced.
Light the wick of the spirit burner and heat the boiler.
Shut the steam inlet opening to enable quicker build
up of pressure.
After approx. 2 minutes, the water in the boiler be-
gins to boil. From this point onwards, only approx.
2-3 minutes are needed to attain the required oper-
ating pressure. Steam flows via the steam feeding
hose into the steam inlet opening. Excess condensed
water drips into the condensate beaker via the drain-
age hose
. For this purpose, channels that facili-
tate collection and transfer of the condensed water
are milled into the frame.
The engine can now be operated by turning the fly-
wheel in a clockwise direction (while observing the
main cylinder).
Fig. 1: Work cycle of an oscillating steam engine
The power of the engine decreases if there is not
enough water left in the boiler. It is not permitted to
heat the boiler if it is not filled with water. The spirit
burner should, therefore, be extinguished at the ap-
propriate time.
Do not blow out the flame in the proximity of the
boiler. Use the attached cap to extinguish the flame.
During the cooling process, condensed water is sucked
up from the condensation beaker via the condensa-
tion hose, frame and steam feeding hose and trans-
ferred into the boiler.
5. Storage and maintenance
Store the steam engine in a dust-free place.
To clean use a damp cloth, if necessary, with some
washing-up liquid. Never use solvents or aggressive
cleaning agents to clean the acrylic glass components.
Frequent use of the apparatus may cause a layer of
soot to deposit on the underside of the boiler
to the constant play of a flame. This, however, can be
dissolved and removed by using a cloth soaked in
In order to prevent water stains appearing, dry thor-
oughly after cleaning.
3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany • www.3bscientific.com • Technical amendments are possible