GE P&W Emulsion Breakers - KlarAid Coagulants User Manual

Klaraid* coagulants, Description and use, Products and services offered

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Fact Sheet

KlarAid* Coagulants

Highly Charged Inorganic, Organic and Custom Blended

Coagulants for Clarification of Industrial Water and Wastewater

• Easy to feed and ready to use solutions
• Wide range of molecular weights, chemistries

and charges densities

• Promotes superior water clarity in difficult to

treat water and wastewater

• Highly efficient emulsion breakers for oil-in-

water emulsions

Description and Use

KlarAid products are ready to use water-soluble

coagulants, ranging from polymeric inorganic and

organic coagulants to blended formulations and

single container product blends. They are designed

to function in a variety of industrial water and

wastewater treatment applications including use as

a primary coagulant for removal of colloidal turbidi-

ty and color for raw water clarification, as a demul-

sifier to facilitate liquid solids separation in

dissolved gas flotation units used for primary

wastewater treatment, and settling and filter aids

used separately or in conjunction with organic floc-


Products and Services Offered

The KlarAid product line encompasses a compre-

hensive portfolio of chemistries ranging from am-

photeric tannins and starches to relatively low to

high cationic charge densities. The wide portfolio of

products allows GE to provide products for a wide

variety of raw and wastewater applications. These

products are provided as part of a comprehensive

treatment program by highly technical field per-

sonnel who evaluate each customer’s specific ap-

plication needs and treatment objectives, before

selecting the appropriate product for that situation.

On-site testing is performed to ensure that the op-

timum overall solution for the customer is chosen

based upon the customer’s objectives.

Application and Treatment

Proper application and treatment levels depend on

many factors and coagulant applications are spe-

cifically designed for each application and for each

individual facility’s needs. KlarAid products can be

applied neat (undiluted) as received or diluted to a

convenient strength and may be fed by a pump or

by gravity flow to a point where there is good mix-

ing. Storage, Handling and Safety instructions are

provided with every product in the form of written

recommendations and detailed MSDS.

Solution Benefits

GE’s KlarAid products, used together with an in-

depth system audit, and

engineered application

and operational recommendations, will provide one

or more of the following benefits:

• Cost-effective clarification and flotation oper-

ations for superior effluent quality

• GE’s technical expertise in improving opera-

tion of process unit

• GE’s assistance in monitoring performance of

process unit

• Increases the capture efficiency of individual

unit processes

• Reduces loadings on downstream treatment


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* Trademark of General Electric Company; may be registered in one or more countries.

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FSwwKlarAid_General_EN.doc Jan-14