GE P&W Pleated Filters - Memtrex MP-B Pleated Filters User Manual

Memtrex* mp-b, Pleated filters with polyethersulfone membrane, Description and use

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FS1083EN Apr-09

Memtrex* MP-B

Pleated Filters with Polyethersulfone Membrane

Figure 1 : MemtrexMP-B Filter

Description and Use

Memtrex MP-B (MMP-B) filters (Figure 1) offer a PES
membrane specifically designed for beverage

applications. MMP-B cartridge filters exhibit the low
protein-binding, high flow rates and high through-
puts that are crucial for today’s demanding bever-
age process. Every filter is 100% integrity tested. As
industry standards rise and new precautions are
taken to ensure product purity, you can rely on GE
Water & Process Technologies MMP-B filters to pro-
vide reliable filtration for all your beverage

applications—bottled water, beer, wine, liquor, fruit
juices, and fountain drinks.

The MMP-B filter is just one example of our strong
commitment to the beverage industry. Our com-
plete portfolio includes filters for every stage of
processing, and we offer custom solutions for your
unique applications. GE is your complete source for
filters, crossflow membranes, housings, and other
filtration equipment.

Typical Applications

Memtrex-MP-B filters are specifically designed for
beverage filtration. Typical applications include final
filtration of:
• Wine
• Beer
• Fruit Juices
• Bottled Water

General Properties

Memtrex MP-B filters are available the following
absolute pore size micron ratings: 0.2, 0.45 and 0.65
µm. Tables 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 show further details on
materials of construction, dimensions, operational
limits, integrity testing and flow performance.

Table 1: Materials of Construction

Table 2: Dimensions

Table 3: Operational Limits