GE P&W SeaPRO Series 50 Hz 35,000 ppm NaCl 100-300 m3_day User Manual
Seapro* series 50 hz, Day (20-60 gpm), Basic features (bas)

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pfe1019en.doc Jul-13
SeaPRO* Series 50 Hz
Seawater Desalination Machines 35,000 ppm NaCl
100-300 m
/day (20-60 gpm)
Basic Features (BAS)
GE Fanuc Quick Panel 6”, 6-inch color display, Pri-
marily text operating screens, Touchscreen con-
GE Fanuc Micro VersaMax, Communication:
RS232/DH485, Analog output: 6 points
4-20 mA instruments displayed on instrument cen-
Variable frequency drive (VFD) for high pressure
Stand alone master control enclosure, skid mount-
ed local control enclosure with terminal strips
Premium Features (PRE)
GE Fanuc QuickPanel 12” , 12-inch color display,
Text and pictorial operating screens, Touchscreen
GE Fanuc VersaMax, Communication:
RS232/DH485/Ethernet, Analog output: 4 points
4-20 mA instruments on PanelView
Primary and final pressure transmitters
Variable frequency drive (VFD) for high pressure
Automated valves and control for full permeate
flush upon shut down
Stand alone master control enclosure, skid mount-
ed local control enclosure with remote I/O
Flow Meters ............................................ Permeate, concentrate
Conductivity ........................................................................ Permeate
pH ........................................................................................................ Feed
Instrumentation (continued)
Pressure ............................ Pre-filter, post-filter, primary, final,
permeate concentrate, pump discharge
(PRE Feature = Primary, Final transmitter)
Pressure Switch ....................... Feed, permeate, concentrate
Instrument center ......................................... Thornton 770 MAX
Options Available
Allen Bradley control system
Multi-Media filters
Clean-in-Place (CIP) units
Chemical feed systems
Documentation Included
Operation and maintenance manual
Control narrative
Drawings: piping and instrumentation, electrical
and general dimensional
Operating Parameters
Recovery................................................................................. 40 - 45%
Design temp. .................................................................... 25ºC (77ºF)
Design Feed TDS. ............................................. 35,000 ppm NaCl
Operating range ....................................... 2 to 30ºC (35 to 85ºF)
Minimal inlet pressure ............................................. 2 Bar (30 psi)