GE P&W Sepa CF II Membrane Cell System User Manual
Sepa* cf ii, Membrane cell system, Description and use

Fact Sheet
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FS1060EN.doc Jan-09
Membrane Cell System
Description and Use
GE Water & Process Technologies Sepa* CF II Mem-
brane Cell system is a lab quality crossflow mem-
brane filtration unit capable of withstanding up to
1,000 PSIG (69 bar). It provides fast and accurate
performance data for any reverse osmosis,
nanofiltration, ultrafiltration or microfiltration cross-
flow application. (Figures 1 and 2)
Figure 1: Membrane
Figure 2: SEPA CF II
Versatile Operational Capabilities to Fit a Wide
Range of Applications
Sepa CF II has a unique, patented design that simu-
lates the flow dynamics of larger, commercially
available membrane elements. This versatile mem-
brane cell can be used as a membrane evaluation
device, process development tool or for small-scale
production, while minimizing the amount of mem-
brane and sample used. This results in a significant
savings of time and money, enabling you to fully
leverage your investment.
Using Sepa CF II you can easily modify operating
conditions, fluid dynamics and pressure levels to
simulate a broad range of applications. This
enables you to easily determine which GE flat-sheet
membrane is most appropriate for your
intended application.
Features and Benefits
Sepa CF II Membrane Cell system has many fea-
tures that make it ideal for use in any reverse os-
mosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration or microfiltration
crossflow application.
• Accepts any flat sheet membrane.
• Unique piston clamping mechanism. Patented
pneumatic or hydraulic mechanism enables
quick change out of membrane in less than one
minute, and then quickly seals it with uniform
pressure and a leak-proof seal.
• Wide variety of shims and spacers. Optimizes
flow characteristics during filtration, maximizing
membrane efficiency.
• Accommodates pressures to 1000 PSIG (69 bar).
Allows for the simulation of a greater range of
large-scale applications at optimal rates.