Solution benefits – GE P&W PolyFloc User Manual

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Fact Sheet

products, but regardless of product, GE field repre-
sentatives will provide “make-down” recommenda-
tions tailored to each application. More details are
also provided in the individual product fact sheets.
Diluted product may be fed by a pump or by gravity
flow to a point where good mixing, but not violent
agitation, with the waste stream occurs. Sludge
thickening and dewatering applications require
careful engineering of feed systems and will be op-
timized for each location by GE field engineers. Typ-
ically, flocculant applications require careful
consideration of mixing conditions.
Storage, Handling and Safety instructions are pro-
vided with every product in the form of written rec-
ommendations and detailed MSDS.

Solution Benefits

GE’s PolyFloc products, used together with an in-
depth system audit, engineered application and
operational recommendations will provide one or
more of the following benefits:

Cost-effective clarification and flotation opera-
tions for improved effluent quality

Cost-effective thickening and dewatering appli-
cations for increased sludge solids content
(minimal water content)

ISO certified quality products

GE technical expertise in optimizing operation of
process unit

GE assistance in monitoring performance of
process unit

Meeting environmental regulations reliably

Compliance with all Health and Safety require-
ments with GE support and documentation

Ability to adapt to changing water, wastewater
and sludge quality, due to access to wide port-
folio of GE products. GE on-site service will pro-
vide product selection and operational advice
as needed.

Delivery and Billing options to meet almost any
customer need.