GE P&W CoalPlus - DusTreat DC9163 User Manual
Dustreat* dc9163, Dust control binding agent, Description and use

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FSipDusTreatDC9163_EN.doc Nov-13
DusTreat* DC9163
Dust Control Binding Agent
Provides a semi-permanent, rain-resistant crust
Controls fugitive dust emissions from inactive
storage piles
Protects piles against wind erosion
Reduces oxidation and coal pile fires
Improves working conditions and community rela-
Reduces storage pile run-off
Effectively crusts coal, coke, metallic ores, fly ash,
waste materials, mine tailings, and various other
Description and Use
DusTreat DC9163 is a blend of wetting and binding
agents specifically formulated to reduce fugitive emis-
sions from inactive storage piles. DusTreat DC9163 will
penetrate and bind the material to form a cohesive,
durable, rain-resistant crust. This product does not
contain chlorides or heavy metals.
The semi-permanent crust helps stabilize groomed
and compacted storage piles by reducing pile rutting
caused by erosion. When used on coal piles, the crust
provides an effective barrier for water/air thereby
slowing the rate of oxidation that could lead to spon-
taneous combustion.
Typical Application
Storage piles can be a large source of fugitive emis-
sions. These emissions can be both a safety hazard
and an environmental nuisance that can adversely
affect community and personnel relations. In inactive
coal piles, weathering and oxidation of the coal can
reduce its heating value.
In addition, pile run-off can contaminate adjacent wa-
ter resources.
The application of DusTreat DC9163 as a water solu-
tion via spray systems can significantly reduce the
problems associated with open storage. Applying
DusTreat DC9163 to the surface of the storage pile will
result in immediate binding of the fines. As the crust-
ing agent cures, a hard but flexible crust will develop.
Applications of binder to protect stockpiles can be
made with conventional spray equipment. Hydro-
seeders are ideal for mixing and spraying the binder.
Water trucks used to spray the haul roads can be
used for horizontal surfaces. The main concerns are to
reach all areas of the pile with the sprayed solutions in
one or two application steps.
DusTreat DC9163 may be used for crusting materials
loaded on to rail cars or trucks. This will suppress fugi-
tive emissions that result during transport. Other ap-
plications of DusTreat DC9163 include ash piles, soil
stabilization, road berms, and pile crusting for various
solid materials.
Treatment and Feeding Requirements
Proper treatment levels for DusTreat DC9163 depend
on many factors. The binder concentration, as well as
the volume of diluted binder applied, is influenced by
the type of material treated, its particle size and densi-
ty. This product should be used in accordance with
control parameters GE establishes for a specific appli-
General Properties
Physical properties of DusTreat DC9163 are shown on
the Material Safety Data Sheet, a copy of which is
available on request.
Packaging Information
DusTreat DC9163 is a liquid blend, available in a varie-
ty of containers and delivery methods. Contact your
GE sales representative for details.
Safety Precautions
A Material Safety Data Sheet containing detailed in-
formation about this product is available on request.