GE P&W SeaPRO 60 Hz 35,000 ppm NaCl 100-300 gpm User Manual
Seapro* series 60 hz, Basic features (bas), Premium features (pre)

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FS1017EN.doc Jul-13
SeaPRO* Series 60 Hz
Seawater Desalination Machines
35,000 ppm NaCl 100-300 gpm (22.7-68.1 m
Basic Features (BAS)
GE Fanuc Quick Panel 6-inch color display.
Primarily text operating screens, Touchscreen
GE Fanuc Micro VersaMax processor
4-20 mA instruments displayed on instrument
Variable frequency drive (VFD) for high pres-
sure pump
Motor starter for boost pump
Stand alone master control enclosure, skid
mounted local control enclosure with terminal
Membrane/energy recovery device
(ERD)/boost pump and pump/prefilter located
on separate skids
Premium Features (PRE)
GE Fanuc QuickPanel 12-inch color display.
Text and pictorial operating screens.
Touchscreen controls.
GE Fanuc VersaMax processor
4-20 mA instruments on touchscreen
Primary and final pressure transmitters
Variable frequency drive (VFD) for high pres-
sure pump
Motor starter for boost pump
Automated valves and control for feed flush
upon shut down
Stand alone master control enclosure, local
control enclosure with remote I/O
Membrane/energy recovery device
(ERD)/boost pump and pump/prefilter located
on separate skids