GE P&W Long Term Water Treatment User Manual
Long term water treatment, Contract services worldwide, Ge service agreements

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FSmobLongTerm_EN.doc Apr-11
Long Term Water Treatment
Contract Services Worldwide
GE Service Agreements
GE’s long term water treatment service agreements
provide a wide range of capabilities and technolo-
gies to supply ultrapure or treated water. Long term
service offers many financial and technical ad-
vantages over capital investment systems including
multiple technologies and the world’s largest 24/7
mobile fleet backup.
GE professional field service representatives oper-
ate and maintain these systems which can be re-
motely monitored with GE’s InSight* technology.
InSight, a remote monitoring and diagnostics ser-
vice, monitors and analyzes performance of the wa-
ter treatment systems and customized reports are
generated for viewing on the web-based system.
From source water to final supplied water, GE’s long
term services provide treated water that meets
your requirements for purity and volume with little
or no capital expenditure, reduced operating costs
and improved technical performance.
GE’s extended term services are backed by the
largest and most comprehensive fleet of mobile wa-
ter treatment equipment available anywhere. With
priority service agreements, GE guarantees water
quality and quantity.
These comparisons are
from an actual Long
Term Service contract
that not only cut water
costs in half but water
quality was dramati-
cally improved.
Part of GE’s Multiple
Technology Back-up Fleet
24/7 Priority Availability
Long term installation uses GE filter system, 300 GPM (68
/hr) RO system, forced draft aerator, and demineralizer
to provide ultrapure water. Starting with municipal
wastewater, this installation uses 2-step RO prefilters
along with a RO reject storage tank. This allows reject
water to be used for filter backwash to reduce overalll
water usage.