GE P&W Pleated Filters - Memtrex FE-S Pleated Filters User Manual

Memtrex* fe-s, Pleated filters with ptfe membrane

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FS1090EN Jul-09

Memtrex* FE-S

Pleated Filters with PTFE Membrane

Figure 1: Memtrex FE-S Filters

Description and Use

Memtrex FE-S (MFE-S) filters (Figure 1) are sterilizing
grade cartridge filters for use in validated applica-
tions. The commitment to validation by GE Water &
Process Technologies is based upon the FDA Guide-
lines that we “establish documented evidence of
assurance that a specific process will consistently
produce a product meeting its predetermined
specification and quality attributes.”
A detailed Validation Guide is available from GE to
document our rigorous testing for your records
and reviews. The guide includes all the data neces-
sary to assist the user with compliance to regula-
tory requirements.
The inherently hydrophobic MFE-S filter is just one
example of our strong commitment to the pharma-
ceutical industry. Our complete portfolio includes
filters for every stage of processing, and we offer
custom solutions for your unique applications. GE is
your complete source for filters, crossflow mem-
branes, housings and other filtration equipment.

Typical Applications

MFE-S filters are specifically designed for sterile
chemical, air, gas and vent filtration. Typical appli-
cations include:
• Tank Venting
• Fermentation Air Supply
• WFI Tanks
• Autoclaves
• Chemicals
• Bioreactors

General Properties

Memtrex FE-S filters are available in the following
absolute pore size micron rating: 0.2 µm. Tables 1, 2,
3, 4 and 5 show further details on materials of con-
struction, dimensions, operational limits, and flow
performance in air and water.

Table 1: Materials of Construction

Table 2: Dimensions

Table 3: Operational Limits