Peerless-AV MOD-CPF - Sell Sheet User Manual
Modular series square ceiling plate, flat, Mod-cpf

Modular Series Square Ceiling Plate, Flat
For Modular Series Flat Panel Display and Projector Mounts
The Peerless-AV Modular Mounts Line features a full range of products that can fulfill multiple
requirements from a limited number of SKUs. With the universality of the components, configure
your own perfect custom flat-panel display or projector mounting solution for any application.
The Modular Mount Line was developed with the professional AV installer in mind. Designed
around a 2" (50mm) diameter pole, the line is ideal for new projects as well as for upgrading
existing installations.
The MOD-CPF provides a solution for mounting direct to concrete and wood joists.
Max load: 374lb (170kg)
Heavy duty flat ceiling
Mounts to concrete and
wood joist ceilings
374lb (170kg) max weight
Shown with
Modular Series
Flat Panel Mount
with MOD-ACF
CaLL: 800.865.2112
FaX: 800.359.6500
Shown with
Modular Series
Projector Mount
with MOD-ACF
unIverSaL mountIng
Installs to wood joist and
concrete or to truss/pipes via
accessory clamp kit MOD-AUB