Peerless-AV ACC-SB - Sell Sheet User Manual
Soundbar/center channel accessory mount, Acc-sb

Soundbar/Center Channel Accessory Mount
For Peerless SUA746PU, SUA751PU and SUA765PU Models
Enhance the beauty and sound quality of your ultra-thin flat panel display by attaching a soundbar
or center channel speaker with the ACC-SB. This thin, yet versatile speaker mount maintains
the same aesthetics and functionality of Peerless’ ultra-slim articulating mounts by allowing the
speaker to retract, extend, tilt and swivel along with the flat panel display. In addition to a quick
installation, it boasts height adjustability and easy post-installation leveling, allowing the perfect
placement of the speaker directly below the display.
Max load: 25lb (11kg)*
Adds zero depth to
installation of SUA mount
Easily slides along the
mount for quick placement
Adjustable height
Easy post-installation leveling
Compatible with SUA746PU,
SUA751PU and SUA765PU
Shown with SUA765PU
Shown with SUA765PU
* Load of the soundbar mount, the speaker
and the flat panel should not exceed the
recommended weight load for the SUA mount
CaLL: 800.865.2112
FaX: 800.359.6500
adjuStabLe heIght
Easily adjusts for for perfect
soundbar placement
SImpLe InStaLLatIon
Hooks onto the front of
the display-side plate of
any Peerless SUA mount
Shown with Flat Panel
Display and Soundbar
Shown with SUA765PU