Peerless-AV CMJ500R1 - Sell Sheet User Manual
Lightweight adjustable suspended ceiling plate, Cmj500r1

Lightweight Adjustable
Suspended Ceiling Plate
Compact and lightweight, the Peerless CMJ500R1 Adjustable Suspended Ceiling Plate allows
for easy installation of a projector anywhere on the ceiling grid. This suspended projector
mount installs above a 2'x2' or 2'x4' ceiling tile and offers variable positioning for achieving the
perfect projector placement. Installing the Suspended Ceiling Plate above the ceiling tiles is
simplified with the Kwik-loc
self locking cable joiner, significantly reducing total installation
time. The mount features two electrical outlet box knockouts that provide a convenient
option for connecting power and signal cables. This Adjustable Suspended Ceiling Plate unit
is pre-assembled to speed up installation and its straightforward adjustability enhances the
ease of mounting virtually any projector.
Max load: 60lb (27kg)
Adjustable carriage
allows for ideal projector
positioning below a 2' x 2' or
2' x 4' standard ceiling tile
Pre-assembled, easy to
install design reduces
installation time
Knockouts are provided for
electrical outlet boxes and
antenna leads
Escutcheon ring leaves a
clean finish
Compact and lightweight
Includes Kwik-Loc
locking cable joiners for
simple cable support set-up
CALL: 800.865.2112
FAX: 708.865.2941
SImpLe power mAnAgement
Electrical box knockouts for
convenient installation of outlets
right at the mount
IdeAL projeCtor
Adjustable carriage allows
for ideal projector positioning
below a 2' x 2' or 2' x 4'
standard ceiling tile
InStALLAtIon tIme
Pre-assembled, easy
to install design
Carriage and wing nuts
Electrical box knockouts