Electronics LP2000_VAR User Manual
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This manual will explain how to replace the mechanical media (grit) valve on a wheel type blast
cleaning machine with the new MagnaValve automatic media regulator. The two most prominent
reasons for this type of upgrade are:
a. to eliminate maintenance required for the air cylinder that operates the mechanical valve
b. to provide an automatic alarm to alert the operator to replenish the shot/grit supply
The machine used for illustration for this manual is a RotoPeen system from Pangborn Corpora-
tion modified to shot blast clean 20 foot lengths of round pipe. It is a single wheel, 20 horse-
power, pass-thru cabinet design as shown in Fig. 1 below.
The following text will describe each of the remaining photos in three sections, before, during and
after the installation of the MagnaValve. The entire project required less than one day for the
conversion. The shop was also introduced to the Almen strip and Almen gage for measuring
blast stream intensity to help meet requirements of the ISO 9002 program for process control
and documentation.
Fig. 1
Note: To operate properly and prevent damage to the MagnaValve, always supply the full flow
capacity of the valve. For example, a VLP will flow 1000lbs. While only 400lbs maximum can be
supplied to the application, the MagnaValve must be supplied the full 1000lbs to operate cor-
rectly. If an amount less than 1000lbs is supplied, the shot travels through the valve at a high ve-
locity, and it is effectively being “blasted” during operation.