Grain Systems PNEG-1797 User Manual
Page 48

7. Dryer Start-Up
PNEG-1797CE CE Approved T-Series Tower Dryer
13. Burner test fire
a. Turn fuel ON.
b. Set plenum temperature to 60°C.
c. Start the fan.
d. Turn HEATER switch to ON.
e. After purge the burner should light.
f. Adjust the pressure regulator to required burner pressure.
g. Lock the regulator.
h. When the plenum reaches set point, adjust the MINIMUM setting on the modulating valve
to the required setting.
i. Allow the burner to cycle between high and low and stabilize at the set point.
j. Fine adjustment may be needed to obtain good temperature modulation.
14. Dryer shut down
a. Short term shut down.
• Turn burner OFF.
• Turn fan OFF.
• Turn load OFF.
• Turn unload OFF.
• Close main fuel valve.
b. Long term shut down.
• Close the fuel supply and allow the burner to burn out.
• Turn all selector switches to OFF.
• Turn control power OFF.
• Disconnect main power.