Fcc, acta and ic regulations, Fcc, acta and ic regulatons, Appendix – VTech CS6114-2 (without LED) Manual (without LED) User Manual
Page 45

FCC, ACTA and IC regulations
FCC Part 15
Ths equpment has been tested and found to comply wth the requrements for a Class B dgtal devce
under Part 15 of the Federal Communcatons Commsson (FCC) rules. These requrements are
ntended to provde reasonable protecton aganst harmful nterference n a resdental nstallaton. Ths
equpment generates, uses and can radate rado frequency energy and, f not nstalled and used n
accordance wth the nstructons, may cause harmful nterference to rado communcatons. However,
there s no guarantee that nterference wll not occur n a partcular nstallaton. If ths equpment does
cause harmful nterference to rado or televson recepton, whch can be determned by turnng the
equpment off and on, the user s encouraged to try to correct the nterference by one or more of the
followng measures:
Reorent or relocate the recevng antenna.
Increase the separaton between the equpment and recever.
Connect the equpment nto an outlet on a crcut dfferent from that to whch the recever
s connected.
Consult the dealer or an experenced rado/TV techncan for help.
Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by the party responsible for
complance could vod the user’s authorty to operate the equpment.
Ths devce comples wth Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operaton s subject to the followng two condtons:
(1) ths devce may not cause harmful nterference, and (2) ths devce must accept any nterference
receved, ncludng nterference that may cause undesred operaton. Prvacy of communcatons may
not be ensured when usng ths telephone.
To ensure safety of users, the FCC has establshed crtera for the amount of rado frequency energy
that can be safely absorbed by a user or bystander accordng to the ntended usage of the product.
Ths product has been tested and found to comply wth the FCC crtera. The handset may be safely
held aganst the ear of the user. The telephone base shall be nstalled and used such that parts of
the user’s body other than the hands are mantaned at a dstance of approxmately 20 cm (8 nches)
or more.
Ths Class B dgtal apparatus comples wth Canadan ICES-003.