Operating range, Energy-saving charging mode, Precautons for users of mplanted – VTech CS6114-2 (without LED) Manual (without LED) User Manual
Page 40: Cardac pacemakers, Operatng range energy-savng chargng mode, Appendix

Precautions for users of implanted cardiac pacemakers
Cardac pacemakers (apples only to dgtal cordless telephones):
Wreless Technology Research, LLC (WTR), an ndependent research entty, led a multdscplnary
evaluaton of the nterference between portable wreless telephones and mplanted cardac pacemakers.
Supported by the U.S. Food and Drug Admnstraton, WTR recommends to physcans that:
Pacemaker patients
Should keep wreless telephones at least sx nches from the pacemaker.
Should NOT place wreless telephones drectly over the pacemaker, such as n a breast pocket,
when t s turned ON.
Should use the wreless telephone at the ear opposte the pacemaker.
WTR’s evaluaton dd not dentfy any rsk to bystanders wth pacemakers from other persons usng
wreless telephones.
Operating range
Ths cordless telephone operates wth the maxmum power allowed by the Federal Communcatons
Commsson (FCC). Even so, ths handset and telephone base can communcate over only a certan
dstance - whch can vary wth the locatons of the telephone base and handset, the weather, and the
layout of your home or office.
When the handset s out of range, the handset dsplays
Out of range or no pwr at base.
If there s a call whle the handset s out of range, t may not rng, or f t does rng, the call may not
connect well when you press . Move closer to the telephone base, then press to answer the call.
If the handset moves out of range durng a telephone conversaton, there may be nterference. To
mprove recepton, move closer to the telephone base.
Energy-saving charging mode
When ths mode s actvated, all telephone functons, except handset battery chargng, wll be dsabled.
To activate the energy-saving charging mode:
Unplug the telephone base power adapter from the power outlet. Make sure all handsets are plugged
wth charged batteres before proceedng.
Whle you press and hold
/FIND HANDSET, plug the telephone base power back to the
power outlet.
After about 30 seconds, release
/FIND HANDSET and then press t agan wthn 2 seconds.
When the phone successfully enters the energy-savng mode, all handsets dsplay
To register HS and See manual alternatvely.
When the phone fals to enter ths mode, repeat Step 1 through Step 3 above.
Note: The telephone base wll be powered up as normal f you fal to press /FIND HANDSET wthn
2 seconds n Step 3.
To deactivate the energy-saving charging mode:
Unplug the telephone base adapter from the power outlet, then plug t back n. Then the telephone
base s powered up as normal.
Regster your handsets back to the telephone base. See page 27 for handset regstraton nstructons.