RBP Chemical Technology J4261 User Manual
Wss silicones, Product data sheet, Description

RBP Chemical Technology, Inc.
RBP Chemical Technology, Inc.
RBP Chemical Technology, Inc.
RBP Chemical Technology, Inc.
150 S. 118
Street P.O. Box 14069
Milwaukee, WI 53214-0069
Corporate: 414-258-0911
Fax: 414-258-7908
RBP East: 508-865-0800
This product should be used only for its intended purpose. The information stated above is based on our laboratory tests and
experience, and is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Since actual use is beyond our control, the recommendations or
suggestions are made without warranty, expressed or implied.
Product Data Sheet
Date: 08/31/12
Supersedes: 08/31/12
PRODUCT #: J4231, J4241, J4261
WSS Silicones
Silicone Emulsions – Silver, Gold, and Platinum designed for all web applications
A series of silicone emulsions designed to eliminate marking and static build-up on
the web of paper during the folding, cutting and stacking operations. These
emulsions contain additives to enhance the performance of the silicone and make
for trouble free finishing. These silicone emulsions are extremely stable and provide
uniform coverage across the applicator roller. They are easily dosed through all types
of pumps. Available in various concentration levels to meet specific needs such as
press speed, ink coverage, substrates, and static.
Directions for Use:
Mix silicone solution according to manufacturer’s specifications and as determined
through product analysis and specific printing needs. For dosing recommendations,
contact an RBP Technical Representative.
The recommended dosing ranges will vary depending on what product and
application. Typical dosages will range from 3 to 15 percent.
Milky white emulsion
8.2-8.5 lbs/gal
VOC Content:
(EPA Method 24)
Flash Point:
> 212 °F