RBP Chemical Technology J6310 APEX PLATINUM User Manual
Apex platinum, Product data sheet, Description
RBP Chemical Technology, Inc.
RBP Chemical Technology, Inc.
RBP Chemical Technology, Inc.
RBP Chemical Technology, Inc.
150 S. 118
Street P.O. Box 14069
Milwaukee, WI 53214-0069
Corporate: 414-258-0911
Fax: 414-258-7908
RBP East: 508-865-0800
This product should be used only for its intended purpose. The information stated above is based on our laboratory tests and
experience, and is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Since actual use is beyond our control, the recommendations or
suggestions are made without warranty, expressed or implied.
Product Data Sheet
Date: 08/18/11
Supersedes: 08/27/10
PRODUCT #: J6310
Scratch Resistant Plate Finisher for Processors
A superior finishing gum designed to be used in all processors on all types of metal
plates and for the toughest scratches. APEX PLATINUM contains unique ingredients
to help protect the non-image area from severe scratches due to mishandling, finger
prints and general sensitivity. It provides excellent start-ups and maximum
protection of the non-image area.
Directions for Use:
Follow directions of processor manufacturer. Use full strength to achieve all the
benefits of this superior product.
Clear amber brown liquid
8.8 lbs/gal
VOC Content:
(EPA Method 24)
Flash Point: