MSD 6214 Midget DIS-2 Programmable Race Ignition Installation User Manual

Page 12

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•   W W W . M S D P E R F O R M A N C E . C O M   •   ( 9 1 5 )   8 5 7 - 5 2 0 0   •   F A X   ( 9 1 5 )   8 5 7 - 3 3 4 4


Every MSD Ignition undergoes numerous quality control checks including a four hour burn-in

test. If you experience a problem with your Midget Ignition, our research has shown that the

majority of problems are due to improper installation or poor connections. The Troubleshoot-

ing section has several checks and tests you can perform to ensure proper installation and

operation of the Midget Ignition. If you have any questions concerning your Midget Ignition,

call our Customer Support Department at (915) 855-7123, 8 - 5 Mountain Time, or e-mail at:

[email protected].


The LED on the side of the Midget Ignition monitors several operating conditions of the

Midget Ignition. If the LED indicates that there is a problem with the ignition system, follow

the steps through the Troubleshooting section. The LED will appear to be on steady at above

idle speeds when everything is functioning properly.

•  A Code 2 (flash-flash)will occur if the supply voltage drops below 12 volts, when operat- 

ing below 1200 rpm.

•  A Code 3 (flash-flash-flash) will occur if a trigger signal is lost.

•  The LED will flash for every trigger signal from the crank trigger. You can take advantage   of 

this when checking for input trigger signals.


Experience at the races has shown that if your engine is experiencing a miss or hesitation

at higher rpm, it is usually not directly ignition. Most probable causes include faulty wiring,

a coil or plug wire failure, arcing from the boot plug to ground. Several items to inspect are:

•  Ensure that there is a good ground path from the engine and chassis to the negative    ter-

minal of the battery. Also confirm that the Black wire with a ring lug that exits the case is

grounded to the engine block.

•  Always inspect the plug wires at the plug for a tight connection and visually inspect for   cuts, 

abrasions or burns. Dielectric grease such as Spark Guard, PN 8804, is also recom- mended.

•  Inspect the Primary Coil Wire connections.

CAUTION: There may be high voltage at the Coil Positive (+) terminal even with the key turned

On. During cranking or while the engine is running, very high voltage will be pres-

ent and no test equipment should be connected.

•  Make  sure  that  the  battery  is  fully  charged  and  the  connections  are  clean  and  tight.  If 

you are not running an alternator this is an imperative check. If the battery voltage falls

below 11 volts during a race, the Midget Ignition current draw will increase.

•  Is the engine running lean? Inspect the spark plugs and complete fuel system.

•  Inspect all wiring connections for corrosion or damage. Remember to always use prop-

er connections followed by soldering and seal the connections completely.

WARNING: Do not touch the coil terminals during cranking or while the engine is running.

If everything checks positive, use the procedure on page 13 to test the ignition for spark.