MSD 8433 Chevy V8 HEI Retainer Distributor Cap Installation User Manual
Msd distributor cap

Parts Included:
1 - Cap
2 - 10-32 x 1.25” Hex Screws
Note: If you need to adapt your spark plug wire boots and terminals to fit the towers of the PN 8433
Cap, MSD offers a kit of nine boots and terminals, PN 8849.
The PN 8433 Cap fits all of the MSD Distributors that use the GM Socket style cap (MSD PN 8437).
It will also fit GM Distributors that use a “window” style cap.
Before installing the new cap, note the location of the spark plug wires. It is a good idea to mark the
location of one wire before removing it while leaving the other wires connected to the old cap. Then,
with the new cap installed, you can install each wire individually avoiding any confusion.
After installing the spark plug wires, position
the retainer over the boots. Align the
mounting bosses and use the supplied 1.5”
self-tapping Phillips head screws to hold
the retainer in place. It may be necessary
to apply a slight amount of lubricant to the
boots to help them seat into the retainer
1 - Wire Retainer
2 - 1.5” Phillips Head Screws
Figure 1 Installing the Wire Retainer.
MSD Distributor Cap
PN 8433 and PN 84333
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