MSD 8201 Pro Power Coil Installation User Manual
Msd pro power coil

• W W W . M S D P E R F O R M A N C E . C O M • ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 5 2 0 0 • F A X ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 3 3 4 4
MSD Pro Power Coil
PN 8201
Pro Power Coil Mounting Template.
This Coil is designed for use
with an MSD 7AL-2, PN 7220,
7AL-2 Plus, PN 7222, the 7AL-
3, PN 7230 and MSD 8 Igni-
tions only.
Note: Do not connect to an
MSD 6 Series or Digital
Series Ignition Con-
Use the template to the right
for help in mounting the coil
with the supplied vibration
Note: MSD also offers a Billet
Bracket, PN 8218, that
fits existing holes on a
typical big block Chev-
rolet cylinder head.
The primary terminals of the
Pro Power Coil are located
on the back of the coil. These
wires must be routed away
from the secondary terminal
(coil tower) to prevent the
chance of a misfire. Figure 1
shows the correct routing of
the wires.
Figure 1 Correct Routing.
Figure 2 Incorrect Routing.
Due to some printer settings, it is recommended to compare the document
to the actual part dimensions before drilling holes! If the printed document
does not match the actual part dimensions, correct the printer scaling settings
and print again.
Parts Included:
1 - Pro Power Coil
3 - Vibration Mounts
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