MSD 8910_eis Tach Adapter Installation User Manual

Tach/fuel injection adapter

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The PN 8910-EIS (Electronic Ignition System) will interpret the trigger signal into a signal the factory

fuel injection and tachometer will recognize when an MSD Ignition is installed. This Adapter is designed

for current limiting ignition systems (no ballast resistor).


1. Mount the Tach Adapter in a location away from direct engine heat making sure the wires reach

the MSD unit and the coil. The PN 8860 Magnectic Pickup extension harness may be used.

2. Locate the White wire coming from the MSD and disconnect it from the factory wire that it was

connected to (this should be the points or ignition amplifier wire). Seal the White wire as it will not

be used anymore. Leave the other MSD wires connected.

3. Connect the Black wire of the PN 8910-EIS to the wire coming from the points or ignition amplifier

(This is the same wire that the White wire of the MSD was connected to).

4. Splice the Red wire of the PN 8910-EIS to the small Red wire of MSD Ignition.

5. Connect the 2-pin magnetic pickup connector to the corresponding connector of the MSD.

Figure 1 Wiring the Tach Adapter.

Tach/Fuel Injection Adapter

PN 8910-EIS

M S D  

•   W W W . M S D P E R F O R M A N C E . C O M   •   ( 9 1 5 )   8 5 7 - 5 2 0 0   •   F A X   ( 9 1 5 )   8 5 7 - 3 3 4 4

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