MSD 8252 Blaster HVC, Works w_ MSD 6 Series Units Installation User Manual

Msd blaster hvc coil

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MSD Blaster HVC Coil

PN 8252

WARNING: Very high voltages are present at the coil when the engine is running. Never connect

any test equipment or touch the coil while the engine is running.

WARNING: Disconnect the battery during installation. When disconnecting the battery, always

remove the negative cable first and install it last.

Parts Included

1 - Blaster HVC Coil

2 - Rings Lug Terminals

2- 45° Blade Terminals

4 - Vibration Mounts

2 - Nuts & Washers

2- Star Washers

1 - 2-Pin Weathertight Connector and Harness 2 - Spade Connectors

1 - 2-Pin Weathertight Connector Assembly

1 - 4" Black Wire

The Blaster HVC Coil is designed to be used with an MSD Ignition Control. It may also be

used with stock or other aftermarket ignitions.


1. The Coil can be mounted in any position, but should be away from direct heat sources.

Use the Coil as a template and mark the location of the mounting holes. Use an 1/8” bit

to drill the holes.

2. Install the supplied vibration mounts to the coil and install the coil. Also install one end of

the 4" Black wire between a vibration mount and the bracket. Connect the other end to


Note: The supplied star washers must be used on both sides of the ground wire ring

lug terminal. This ensures proper grounding through the anodized brackets.

3. Route the coil wires away from heat sources, the plug wires and the trigger pickup


4. The MSD Orange wire connects to coil positive (+). Black connects to coil negative(-).

There are two options when connecting the coil:

• Use the supplied ring lugs or 45° blade terminals to connect the MSD Ignition



• Install the supplied 2-pin harness and connect the matching 2-pin connector to

the ignition's wiring.

5. Connect the coil secondary wire to the coil and distributor cap.