Using a player channel on a video display, Preliminary steps, Connecting the video source – EVS IPDirector Version 6.0 - November 2012 Part 5 User's Manual User Manual
Page 101: Assigning a channel to a video display
Using a Player Channel on a Video
Preliminary Steps
Before you can actually display a channel in the Video Display, you need to perform the
following tasks:
1. Make a physical connection from the required video source to the input of the A/V
board on the IPDirector workstation.
See section "Connecting the Video Source" on page 91.
2. Assign a player channel to the Video Display in the Remote Installer application.
See section "Assigning a Channel to a Video Display" on page 91.
3. Select the A/V board in the Video Display to open the related channel.
See section "Selecting the A/V Board in the Video Display" on page 93.
Connecting the Video Source
To be able to display a channel in the Video Display window, a physical connection must
be made from the required video source to the input of the IPDirector workstation A/V
To display video on the VGA uses around 25% of the CPU power of the
workstation for a display size of 384 x 288, more if a larger display is required.
The reactivity of the IPDirector interface could be significantly slower if larger
window sizes are used.
Assigning a Channel to a Video Display
Once the physical connection is made, the Video Display panel needs to be linked to the
corresponding PGM video channel connected to the input of the IPDirector Workstation
video card.
To do so, proceed as follows:
1. In the Remote Installer tool, right click on the selected IPDirector box. For more
information about the Remote Installer tool, see the IPDirector Technical Reference.
A contextual menu is displayed:
IPDirector - Version 6.00 - User Manual - Control Panel
3. Video Display