Searching for clips by varid – EVS IP2Archive Deep Archive Sync Version 1.1 - October 2012 User Manual User Manual

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Searching for Clips by VarID

To search for clips in the IP2Archive database by their VarID, proceed as follows:

1. Enter (part of) the VarID in the VarId field.

As soon as you type something in the VarId field, the check box next to the field is
automatically selected.

2. Click

to start the search.

A warning message appears indicating the number of search results. If there are a lot
of results, the loading can take some time.

3. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel the search operation.

The clips are displayed in the Search Results pane.


4. Searching, Comparing and Synchronizing Clip Archive Metadata

EVS Broadcast Equipment S.A. - October 2012

Issue 1.1.D