Thread cycle setup, Ii - 1 installation set u p – ACU-RITE 300S User Manual
Page 94
II - 1 Installation Set
Arrow down to the COUNT DIRECTION field.
In the COUNT DIRECTION field, select the count direction by
pressing the POSITIVE/NEGATIVE soft key.
When the encoder’s count direction matches the operators count
direction, select positive. When they do not match,
select negative.
Arrow down to the ERROR MONITOR field.
In the ERROR MONITOR field, select whether the system will
monitor, and display encoder errors by selecting ON, or OFF. ON
allows the DRO to monitor Counting errors. The types of Counting
errors are contamination errors (when the signal to the encoder falls
below a set limit), and frequency error (when the signal frequency
exceeds the set limit).
When an error message occurs, press the C key to remove it.
Press ENTER to save the settings entered, and move to the next
encoder setup, or press the C key to remove them.
To exit, and save settings, press ENTER then JOB SETUP.
Thread Cycle Setup:
To use the Thread Cycle feature, data now needs to be entered into
the Thread Cycle form.
High light Thread Cycle, and press ENTER.
Enter the axis for the lead screw by either toggling the THREAD
AXIS soft key, or using the numeric key pad. This will be the same
axis as the rotary encoder axis).
Enter the threads per inch of the lead screw. The Thread Cycle input
data is now complete. Press ENTER to exist the form, and save.
Press ENTER to save the settings entered, and move to the next
encoder setup, or press the C key to remove them.
To exit and save setting, press ENTER, then JOB SETUP.
The encoder resolution and count direction can also be
established by just moving each axis.