13 cross-connecting wan time slots, Cross-connect screen -32 – Zhone Technologies IMACS-200 User Manual
Page 74
System Operation
Model No.
Running Head
Cross-Connecting WAN Time Slots
System Configuration and Operation
Cross-Connecting WAN Time Slots
After assigning the user ports to DS0 time slots, you can also assign the remaining WAN time
slots for pass-through cross-connections betweenT1 links.
You can cross-connect WAN time slots from the System Main Screen. To perform
cross-connections, press “x” in that screen to invoke the Xcon command. The Cross-Connect
Screen in Figure 3-23 appears. In the cross-connect screen, type “a” to add a cross-connect
circuit. The Add command provides the fields used to program all of the "pass-through"
circuits in the network (See Figure 3-24). Table 3-4 lists the circuit parameters and their
options and default settings.
Figure 3-23.Cross-Connect Screen
Figure 3-24.Add a Cross-Connect Circuit Screen