Voltage readback calibration procedure – Xantrex Technology RS232-XPD User Manual
Page 55
Voltage Mode Calibration
Release 1.2
1. Set the power supply for calibration as in Figure 4.1.
2. Activate calibration mode by sending command CMODE ON or CMODE 1 to
the power supply.
3. Send command VRLO; IRLO to the power supply. Wait for the supply to settle.
Measure and record the output shown on the external voltmeter. Send VRLO
4. Send VRHI; IRHI to the supply. Wait for the supply to settle. Measure and
record the output voltage shown on the external voltmeter. Send VRHI again.
5. Send the command VRDAT
read from the voltmeter after the VRLO and VRHI commands were sent. The
processor calculates the offset value required to calibrate the power supply.
When the power supply is calibrated, the low to high voltage readback
calibration values (offsets) are stored as constants.
6. Use commands VSET and VOUT? commands to confirm that the calibration
was successful and that linearity is observed. Refer to the voltage readback
accuracy specification in Section 1.
7. Turn off calibration mode by sending the command CMODE OFF or CMODE 0
to the power supply.