Xilinx V2.1 User Manual
Page 51

Basic Elements
Xilinx Blocks
from din to dout. Whenever possible, put a register or delay block after an up sample
Figure 3-28: Example of up sample block behavior with zero padding
Block Parameters Dialog Box
The block parameters dialog box can be invoked by double-clicking the icon in your
Simulink model.
Figure 3-29: Up Sample block parameters dialog box
Parameters specific to the block are:
Sampling Rate
: must be an integer with a value of 2 or greater. This is the ratio
of the output sample period to the input, and is essentially a sample rate
multiplier. For example, a ratio of 2 indicates a doubling of the input sample rate.
If a non-integer ratio is desired, the Up Sample block can be used in combination
with the Down Sample block.
Copy Samples
: allows you to choose what to do with the additional samples
produced by the increased clock rate. By selecting
Copy Samples
, the same
sample will be duplicated (copied) during the extra sample times. If this checkbox
is not selected, the additional samples are zero.
Other parameters used by this block are explained in the Common Parameters section
of the previous chapter.
The Up Sample block does not use a Xilinx LogiCORE.