Xilinx V2.1 User Manual

Page 107

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Xilinx Blocks

Store Only Valid Data

: when checked, the block will not store any invalid

data words; i.e., when the


sample is invalid, the WE (write enable) input is

disregarded (if 1) and the sample is not written into the FIFO.

Zero Initial Output

: when checked, initial output from the block is 0.

Otherwise, it is NaN (not a number).

Memory Type

: specifies the implementation that must be used either for

distributed or block RAM.

Other parameters used by this block are described in the Common Parameters section
of the previous chapter.

Xilinx LogiCORE

The block always uses the Xilinx LogiCORE: Synchronous FIFO V3.0. The core
datasheet can be found on your local disk at:




The Xilinx ROM block is a single port read-only memory (ROM).

Values are stored by word and all words have the same arithmetic type,
width, and binary point position. Each word is associated with exactly
one address. An address can be any unsigned fixed point integer from 0
to d-1, where d denotes the ROM depth (number of words). The
memory contents are specified through a block parameter. The block

has one input port for the memory address and one output port for data out. The
address port must be an unsigned fixed point integer. The block has two possible
Xilinx LogiCORE implementations, using either distributed or block memory.