Horizontal tab delimiter – Tally Genicom Matrix Printer User Manual
Page 48

7265 Programmer’s Manual
Copyright © 2004 TallyGenicom Chapter 3 ANSI Bar Codes
Horizontal Tab Delimiter
The HT control code (09) is a valid delimiter in all bar code styles. The leading quiet zone of a subsequent
symbol begins at the first tab stop right of the trailing quiet zone of the current symbol. This is evident in the
sample, where the quiet zone of the second symbol begins at the third tab stop.
Since this printer stores tabs in nonvolatile RAM while power is off, and since the control sequence that sets
horizontal tabs does not clear existing tabs, you should clear all tabs before setting tabs. Note also that new tab
stops do not take effect until you send a line terminator; in other words, you cannot set tabs for the current line.
The superfluous tab stops in the following example are included to show you how the function works. If you use
horizontal tabs for delimiters, then set no more tab stops than you plan to use.
100 LPRINT CHR$(27);"[4;9;1}";
‘3 of 9
110 LPRINT CHR$(27);"[3g";
'clear all h_tabs
120 'set horizontal tabs at 1/2-inch intervals
130 LPRINT CHR$(27);"[360;720;1080;1440;1800;2160u"
150 FOR K = 1 TO 6
'show where the tabs are
160 LPRINT CHR$(9);"T";
170 NEXT K
190 LPRINT CHR$(27);"[3t";
'turn on bar code
200 LPRINT "1234";CHR$(9);"1234";
210 LPRINT CHR$(27);"[0t";
'turn off bar code
Figure 3-
4 Horizontal Tab Delimiter