Tally Genicom Matrix Printer User Manual
Page 391

UPC and EAN barcodes (commercial barcodes) can be extended with Add-On barcodes.
The following barcodes can be extended with Add-On barcodes:
Barcode Types H, I, K, L, N, O, P and Q
In the data formats the numbers are generally given in the sequence they are printed
from left to right in the barcode, i.e. in the case of the EAN13 code, the 13. figure is trans-
ferred first and the 1. figure last. For the formats for the Add-On barcodes, the printer ex-
pects the check number as the first figure. This is not printed in the barcode. The follo-
wing numbers (2 or 5) are printed from left to right in Add-On barcode.
Example 1
EAN13 barcode with HRI and Add On 2 extention
10 REM
code EAN 13 with add-on-2 extention
20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"[?11~";
30 LPRINT CHR$(26);" K3;111";CHR$(25);
40 LPRINT CHR$(20);":0123456:789012:012:";CHR$(20);
50 LPRINT CHR$(27);"[?10~"
Barcode Printing